Happy Xmas everyone!Use filezilla and ftp them from HDD to USB.
Since the audio levels are so low from the analogue RCA outputs at the back of the Dreambox, I've been advised by a friend to copy audio files from the hard drive I've installed in the Dreambox over to a USB stick.
First, is this possible at all? If it is, how is it done? (Nothing in the manual, I've tried searching this site, and am not happy to be told I have to wait 60 seconds between fruitless searches. Amazing! The search engine found not a single entry mentioning USB either in the thread title or posts.)
Many thanks for the tip. Sorry for the late reply. I'd almost given up on expecting any respons to questions and haven't been checking back. It was onlytoday that I was made aware of your response when the message popped in the email intray. I'll certainly give it a try, though I've found an easier way round. See separate posting.
sources from: http://www.wholesalexyz.com/
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